School of inclusion – antidiscrimination education

School of inclusion - antidiscrimination education


The project ‘School of inclusion. Improving teachers’ competences for inclusive practices and counteracting discrimination at school’ aims at preparing and disseminating a Competences Framework that strengthens teachers, tutors and psychologists of primary classes (classes 7-8) and secondary levels on the issues of anti-discrimination and inclusion education.

The project will develop:

  • a guide for teachers – a school model aiming at preventing and counteracting discrimination — get to know the guide
  • an online course for teachers, tutors and psychologists, providing with knowledge about human rights and empowering in preventing and counteracting discrimination — get to know the course
  • a set of cards on human rights – an educational tool for teachers to work with students — get to know materials in the Polish language version, English and Norwegian
  • a series of open webinars with presentations:
  • a toolkit for teachers – a set of additional educational materials — get to know  the materials

The project ‘School of inclusion. Improving teachers’ competences for inclusive practices and counteracting discrimination at school’ is co-funded to the extend of 96 thousand euro by Island, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA funds.

The goal of ‘School of inclusion. Improving teachers’ competences for inclusive practices and counteracting discrimination at school’ is creating and disseminating a framework for building competences of teachers, tutors and psychologists in primary and secondary schools in the field of anti-discrimination and inclusive education.

The project is realized in partnership with Menneskerettighetsakademiet (Human Rights Academy) based in Oslo.
Education Programme is operated by Foundation for the Development of the Educational System.